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Tantric London: Spring is in the Air

London Tantric

London welcomes Spring. Tantra is in the Air.

In the spring a young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love. (Alfred Lord Tennyson)

Spring is perhaps one of the most celebrated seasons in London. The leaves we saw fall and the flowers we watched withering away are now budding into lush, green, picture-perfect scenes of Nature. Cerulean skies become an increasing phenomenon throughout the season. The entire city of London enwraps itself in a magical transformation that displays a wide array of the most seductive colours. Hearts are lifted, women’s legs are on display whilst cycling in heavy traffic, stilettos hit the streets of London with provocative sounds, menacing erections walk down to the tube station and tantric sex can begin to fulfil its purpose. Rebirth, joy and love are the quintessential themes eternally evoked by spring. But, aside from the climatic transformations that take place at this time of the year, we are transforming our lives, too. It is the perfect time to start feeling tantric, and, why not, being zen.

We all began the year vowing the most transformative life-changing goals. ‘This is the year’, we all said to ourselves. Yes, it is always the year, no matter what year, but we somehow have some strange feeling this is the one. Being fitter, eating more healthily, procrastinating less, improving our sex lives, we all surely laid out some sort of strategy at the beginning of 2020 to pursue our most desired life-style.

You may be among those men who unfortunately experience a lack of interest in sex that proves distressing to themselves and their intimate relationship. The number of men who report problematic low sexual desire fluctuates depending on the definition and criteria used by researchers. However, a summary article analysing the predominant rates of low sexual desire across several studies and countries concluded that an estimate of 14% to 19% of men systematically experienced low libido.

Researchers are increasingly interested in examining men’s sexual desire. For the first time, myths about men’s sexual energy being ever present and women’s sexual desire being ever absent are being challenged. Researchers Carvalho and Nobre, who published in The Journal of Sex Research, have deconstructed this false idea and shed new light onto it.

What are the causes of low sexual desire in men?

Many factors can play a role in men’s decreased interest in sex. The most cited causes are sexual rejection, lack of emotional connection with their partners and health issues or physical ailments such as erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. Nevertheless, men’s libido can also be impacted by social, relational, contextual and environmental factors such as parenting, marital and work stress, winter blues and lack of sunshine.

What are the influencing effects of the seasons on love and sex?

The literature on this topic seems to be pretty scant. There is conflicting discourse on whether spring fever is an actual illness, however, most scientists agree that there is documented evidence of the impact of seasonal changes on human physiology and psychology.

According to Fortenberry et al. (1997), the highest rates of sexual behaviour of adolescent women with sexually transmitted diseases occurred in the spring and summer.

In Northern countries, where there are significant seasonal differences in sunlight, hormonal function and conception rates are lowest during the dark winter months, leading to a highest increase of conception in summertime, and most births in the spring (Rojansky et al. 1992).

Cagnacci et al (2005), have argued that menopause onset is significantly higher in winter than spring or autumn.

Does spring make you feel more alive, awoken, drawn to beauty, craving for seduction, longing to be touched?

You are definitely not alone. Whilst writing this post, I am admiring some topless working men on their break sunbathing on a warm spring day in the Barbican, and I am enjoying the view from my window today. Who needs TV?

Tantric sex is in the air.

Nerea, an Independent Tantric Masseuse in London


Cagnacci, A., Pansini, F.S., Bacchi-Modena, A., Giulini, N. & Mollica, G. (2005). Seasonal onset of the menopause. Maturitas, 51, 393-396.

Fortenberry, J. D. et al, (1997). Weekly and seasonal variation in sexual behaviors among adolescent women with sexually transmitted diseases. Journal of Adolescent Health, 20(6), 420-425.

Rojansky, N. et al., (1992). Seasonality in human reproduction: An update. Human Reproduction, 7(6), 735-745.



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